About "BE"

Welcome to the Art of Becoming.....

I am currently a studying Marriage & Family Therapist, with a passion to understand and appreciate the meaning of relationships as it relates to one's self, significant other, family member or system, finances, environment, beliefs, profession, education,etc.... 

I hope to share on this Blog site inspiring stories, poems and thoughts about the various ways in which we are or can become in our life experience.  The capability of who we choose to be is incredible and is our ultimate super power!

I can remember my father telling me that I could be anything I wanted to be.  I was four when he first named me "BeMost" and told me that I should be the Most in everything I desired.  It was our moment...a father inspiring his four year old daughter. For years I have strived to become in all ways and all things, learning many lessons along the way.  Some things that I became paved the way for my success and other things prevented me from truly becoming.  Nonetheless, the lessons that I have learned  have helped me to appreciate the Art of the process and how wonderful a gift it is to be in the space of "Becoming".

~ Nieema-aka- "BE"